Tag Archives: sugar

Dietitians Are Now Being Trained by Coca-cola Inc. That Sugar, Fluoride, Artificial Colors are SAFE for Children!

Dietitians now can get continuing education credits toward their professional registration requirements by taking courses sponsored by Coca-cola, Inc. that teach that sugar, fluoride and artificial flavors, colors and other additives are safe. Those that believe otherwise are branded as hysterical. This is not The Onion, folks, this is the real thing.

This is a classic method of propagandists: marginalize the opposition and label themĀ  whackos or conspiracy theorists. These tactics are also used on those who teach that fluoride is a neurotoxin, that vaccinations can trigger autism or raw milk is healthier than pasteurized milk with additives and growth hormones. It reminds me when last year the American Psychiatrists Association entered into the long list of mental disordersĀ  those overly concerned with what they eat. Continue reading