Tag Archives: health and nutrition

Dietitians Are Now Being Trained by Coca-cola Inc. That Sugar, Fluoride, Artificial Colors are SAFE for Children!

Dietitians now can get continuing education credits toward their professional registration requirements by taking courses sponsored by Coca-cola, Inc. that teach that sugar, fluoride and artificial flavors, colors and other additives are safe. Those that believe otherwise are branded as hysterical. This is not The Onion, folks, this is the real thing.

This is a classic method of propagandists: marginalize the opposition and label them  whackos or conspiracy theorists. These tactics are also used on those who teach that fluoride is a neurotoxin, that vaccinations can trigger autism or raw milk is healthier than pasteurized milk with additives and growth hormones. It reminds me when last year the American Psychiatrists Association entered into the long list of mental disorders  those overly concerned with what they eat. Continue reading

New, Large Study: Eating Lots of Cheese and Dairy Products Does Not Cause Heart Disease

Nothing new for many of our readers, but we have been led astray about the dangers of milk and dairy products. Put the blame on our public health authorities and the USDA dietary guidelines—a deceptive marketing campaign for the multinational food corporations carried out by doctors and dieticians. Although a long-term study just released shows eating lots of dairy has nothing to do with heart attacks, you can be sure it will not change the advertisements and doctor’s advice to eat low-fat or non-fat dairy products and get on a statin drug. As with all the other studies, it will be suppressed as it opposes the goals of the food and medical industries. Continue reading

Alarming New Studies: 50% of U.S. Children Have Chronic Disease/Disorders, 21% Developmentally Disabled


by Augie

What can each of us do to change this?

American children are suffering more and more disorders—and are growing into even sicker adults—the worst of most major countries. Two studies were released this week underscore this alarming reality.

In a study published in Academic Pediatrics, an estimated 43% of US children (32 million) currently have at least 1 of 20 chronic health conditions assessed, increasing to 54.1% when overweight, obesity, or being at risk for developmental delays are included. The estimate is derived from 2007 data—4 years old. This tells us matters are much worse now–perhaps 50% are now chronically ill not counting obesity. Continue reading

30 Days to Wellness: An Instant Downloadable eBook

This eBook is spot on for busy people. It is only 160 small pages– includes a long list of references and hyperlinks– even a few recipes. It is written by ten authors, including doctors, nutritionists, fitness specialists and other health practitioners, you may already know and respect–members of The Weston A. Price Foundation.

This beautifully formatted ebook is a collaborative work with the aim of getting you on the fast track to wellness in 30 days. Designed like a reference manual, you choose which section to read and apply first. Proceed at your own pace; each section is concise and easy to implement, written with your time constraints in mind. Continue reading

FDA, IRS, FBI: 80 Armed Agents Raid Health Supplement Firm in Oregon

Unlike the FDA Raid, this picture is not exxagerated.

A band of 80 federal agents stormed Maxam Nutraceutics of Hood River, Oregon last week in what seems to be  an unnecessary and outrageous abuse of power.

Jim Cole, Founder and CEO of Maxam said he cooperated with every demand that the FDA made of him, and was convinced that all was well. But apparently the FDA had different ideas when out of nowhere, the agency, along with the IRS and the FBI, sent as many as 80 armed, SWAT-style agents to both Maxam headquarters, the company’s “Big Gym” training center, and even Jim’s daughter’s house, to confiscate all the products, company documents, and even personal files and computers.

“They took all our products, all our paperwork, all our files — we’ve been doing this since 1992 and they pulled everything,” said Jim. “They brought in three big moving vans, they had their guns on, their bullet-proof vests — they came prepared for war.”

You can see that the FDA letter treats Maxam health supplement products as drugs. The point I want to make is that Fluoride is a Drug by FDA definition. It is delivered to customers through their water supply without dosing instructions or without any medical evaluation or periodic monitoring whatsoever–to the extent CDC has reported 41% of children are overdosed and have dental fluorosis. The practice of water fluoridation is NOT FDA-approved and is unethical in that consumers are not informed and warned as to the side effects. Why does FDA allow fluoridation of water supplies, but when folks like Jim Cole, providing helpful products to people asking for health supplements, get busted with such brute force? –Augie
Take this FDA!
A word about another “dangerous” substance called raw milk (targeted to be banned nationally by HHS/FDA/CDC by 2020)

A new resource called Finding Your Safe Local Raw Milk  is an instantly downloadable $7 ePaper to help you find dairies in your area quickly. This is like a web page—so you get all live links directly to dairies and food groups in your state and area.

* Get connected in your area to safe raw milk.
* Find out it you can find a closer, safer and more economical source for your raw milk.
* Learn the health benefits of raw milk
* Learn about the safety and quality issues that help you select the dairy right for you.

Read more about the $7 ePaper.

The Story of Dr. Price and Dr. Pottenger: 6 min video

This six-minute video, a production of The Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation, provides an excellent overview of the work of Dr. Weston A. Price and Dr. Francis Pottenger and their research in nutrition and degenerative diseases. Both books mentioned are available at ppnf.org

Visit our new iShop for eBooks on real health and nutrition.

Teach your kids and grandkids how to produce their own medicine–real nutrient-dense foods. Get 100 eCards here, just for kids–and moms and dads, too! http://ishop.livingfood.us/healthy_kids.htm

Purchase this now and get a BONUS 85-page colorful education on real nutrition with 65 recipes!

New Study: ADHD Mostly Caused by Food?

Tonight’s post is by Kristin Wartman. She contributed another article for the Journal recently helping to settle the Big Fat Debate.  Kristin is a food writer living in Brooklyn. She has a Masters in Literature from UC Santa Cruz and is a Certified Nutrition Educator. She is interested in the intersections of food, health, politics, and culture. You can read more of her writing at kristinwartman.wordpress.com. I was happy to score this one today since foods do play a major role in ADHD—over 60% of children with ADHD can recovery through special dietary guidelines.–Augie

ADHD: It’s the food, stupid

by Kristin Wartman

Over 5 million children ages four to 17 have been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in the United States, and close to 3 million of those children take medication for their symptoms, according to the Centers for Disease Control. But a new study reported in The Lancet last month found that with a restricted diet alone, many children experienced a significant reduction in symptoms. The study’s lead author, Dr. Lidy Pelsser of the ADHD Research Center in the Netherlands, said in an interview with NPR, “The teachers thought it was so strange that the diet would change the behavior of the child as thoroughly as they saw it. It was a miracle, the teachers said.” Continue reading

Bringing Home-grown Natural Foods to Schools – Within Budget

On my journey to the real food revolution, I traveled again to Wooster, Ohio on Saturday where I presented a 360 degree view of farm, food and nutrition at the College of Wooster’s Global Engagement symposium. Another speaker, a superintendent of a major school system near Columbus, showed how they provide school lunches using local and fresh foods on the menus. Rady Ananda wrote another dandy today and offers two short videos on this very topic– Augie

Bringing nutrient dense organic food to schools – within budget

Rady Ananda at her Food Freedom blog

When your food is good, so is your physical and mental health, and for kids especially, behavior improves.  It took a whole community – parents, educators, food justice advocates, cooks, policymakers, and helpful citizens – more than a decade to change the way children access healthy and nutritious meals in the Berkeley, California schools. This, according to the Lunch Love Community Documentary Project, which uses a mosaic of “webisodes” made specifically to be watched, shared and spread online. These short videos are part of a public engagement campaign that will culminate in a full length documentary, to be released this year.

Jackie Zabel of CitizenFilm.org told Food Freedom, “These short films are a riveting campaign, focusing on the importance of feeding our children nutritional food and the nationwide movement that began with the Berkeley school lunch program.”

Here are two of the short videos: The Parent Factor and The Whole World in a Small Seed:

The Parent Factor: Against all odds, a group of visionary parents came together in the 1990s to organized change the way Berkeley children would eat in school.

The Whole World in a Small Seed: In Rivka Mason’s school-under-the-sky at Malcolm X elementary, children experience cross-disciplinary learning in their school garden.

We can be sure they’re growing most of the Top Ten Most Nutritious Vegetables.

Other videos in the Lunch Love Community Documentary Project include:

The Labor of Lunch: Making from-scratch meals for 5,000 kids is hard work for everyone, and it happens every day at the BUSD Central Kitchen.

But Is It Replicable? School leaders from West Sacramento tour the Central Kitchen and Dining Commons wondering how a program like Berkeley’s could work for them.

Flamin’ Hot: How long does it take for a Hot Cheeto to melt? Kids learn about some of the choices they are making every day when they experiment with food additives and combustion.

If They Cook It, They Will Eat It: Elementary school cooking teachers Kathy Russell and Brenna Ritch awaken children to the world through the food they cook and eat with one another.



NEW FREE eBook Now! Healthy 4 Life

This is a wonderful book for basic instruction in real food and nutrition. What an incredible gift Sally Fallon Morell has made to the world of cooking and nutrition by giving the free electronic version to anyone daring to click the pic. The announcement below is posted at the Weston A. Price Foundation website. Thanks, Sally! — Augie

Get the free eBook below!

As an alternative to the USDA lowfat, high-carbohydrate dietary guidelines, the Weston A. Price Foundation proposes Healthy 4 Life, a dietary plan in the form of a colorful booklet and poster featuring four food groups: animal foods; grains, legumes and nuts; vegetables and fruits; and healthy fats.

Continue reading

Anniversary of the Journal and ARMi– iShop and Living Food has Launched

Take our 30-second survey and tell us about yourself!

Hello Readers,


We launched a special email management service called MailChimp for Alliance for Raw Milk Internationale (ARMi) and the subscription to the Journal.  A free sample of Living Food bulletin is available to those completing our easy 30-second survey. You can then proceed to enter your email address. You will then be able to:

  • Subscribe freely to the Journal and make sure you get the Updates (if you subscribe already, please do take the survey also)
  • Get a free sample of Living Food (both issues)
  • Join up with the ARMi in your state– also free– and post your farm food freedom stuff there, or stuff related to the focal point, real milk.
  • Help Annie and I make our system more efficient and effective, saving us time so we can keep developing it even faster. THANKS !!!

We converted to the MailChimp service to have better control of 1500 subscribers and to eliminate duplicate emails of Alerts and Posts (triplicate, in some cases). It is more problematic for those 10,000 estimated to be in the ARMi system not getting Alerts in their emails via Facebook messaging or getting to many duplicates.

December 12 marked our second anniversary of the Journal. I cannot tell you the great joy I have had providing my readers with information on real farm and real food– some my original articles and some by contributors. Having an outlet of expression has helped me immensely also.

Christmas Day marks the first anniversary of the ARMi with the opening of the Wisconsin Alliance for Raw Milk on Facebook and within a day I think we had over 500 members. Then Anji Sandage and I added ARMi units for all 50 states. Today, we probably have 10,000 fans all together, with another 14,000 in the Raw Milk Facebook site. (It sounds like a strong ARMi, but the response rate is not that good) The average state is about 200 fans with a high of 1600 in WI and the International site. Most need an Officer or two to keep the action up on the front, pages that is.  Unlike the real Army, ARMi is fun and easy. Join up with your state ARMi when you take the short survey!

The Journal has now clocked 280,000 page views in the 2 years with some days as low as 200 with highs over 800—with 2700 being the highest day yet. They come mainly from the US, Canada, UK and Australia but readers have come from all countries in the world except inner Africa. Thank you to all readers that have left comments.

The most successful venture (and the most fun and rewarding) is the launch of Living Food paper bulletins. I get to visit and learn about our sponsors all over Ohio and asking for their support of the bulletin by advertising. We also have at least 30 distributors also–mainly in the Canton Ohio area.

In the past two months we have put up an iShop (an online store) for health and nutrition eBooks and more! I am turning more of my attention to recovery and prevention of autism/neurological disorders, but I will be posting other topics such as food freedom and regulatory actions, and of course vaccination awareness.

From time to time, I will post some recipes and other hard-hitting, and unique commentary on the real food moovement, too. I will also write about new products and books and generate some revenues to help sustain our operations! I thank everyone who have purchased something already– before the grand opening.

Merry Christmas and a Great New Year!

Augie — David Michael Augenstein, M.S., P. Eng.

Take our 30-second survey and tell us about yourself!