Connect to Wilderness Family Naturals’ Healing Substances

 As a publisher of an international food and health journal, I must take extreme diligence in recommending any product much less endorsing one. On this rare occasion, I am delighted to introduce you to this small family whole food ministry– Augie.

IMAGINE: Imported organic spices, herbs, teas, coconut oils, nuts, berries and such from small family farmers around the world delivered to your door. Now imagine being connected to the largest global database of their health benefits, application and ratings from users for specific diseases and disorders through the Journal.


EXCITING NEWS: Wilderness Family Naturals is offering readers of the Journal a 10% discount on top of the already low prices for the month of September only. 

Fischer Family at Bean Lake in Minnesota

Fischer Family at Bean Lake in Minnesota

Wilderness Family Naturals (WFN) is a small, family-owned, organic whole food ministry and importer for small family farmers throughout the world. Owners Ken and Annette Fischer and their seven children were victims of an FDA enforcement action in July 2009 that so far has cost them $100,000 and requires them to pay FDAs legal and travel expenses for the next 5 years. They were also required by FDA to terminate their contracts with 300 U.S. resellers/affiliates that sold much of their products. Read our story, updated today, September 4. Although their business is fine, more invoices from the FDA are coming. When I spoke to Ken yesterday and Annette in August, I told them I think “help is on its way.”

I must take this opportunity to share with you this news with our readers, (now in nearly every country of the world) and especially the state of Ohio Connections organizations and other whole food groups and farm stores.

I must disclose I’m making no commission or have anything to gain financially from this deal I am offering to you. Having been asked to endorse and promote many products from manufacturers of automotive equipment during my professional career, I have always declined the offers. But, in this case, I am happy to recommend and endorse this wonderful Wilderness family and their huge selection of fine, organic products.

chocolate_syrup_16oz_medLast week, Annie and I received our box load of products within 3 days from order. We got the organic chocolate syrup made from organic cacao niexpeller_coconut_oil_qt_medbs and agave nectar—deep dark and rich in flavor—like nothing I have ever tasted. I am a chocoholic—especially since I found out that chocolate has 23 times more antioxidants in it than the second most antioxidant rich food in the world—blueberries.  Oh, WFN has plenty of nuts and dried berries, too.We got a pound of turmeric spice. This has been shown by John Hopkins Medical School to be an effective cancer preventative and treatment and used in India for decades. Some product’s health benefits are described at the National Institute of Health—I cannot go into detail as it may be illegal to mention that. But, you can Google® health benefits of coconut oil, turmeric, chocolate, oil of oregano and any tea, herb and spice—and you will find it at Wilderness Family Naturals! These are very inexpensive at $5 to $8 a pound, a very, small fraction of the grocery store price. A pound is a huge volume (spices, teas, herbs etc.)!

Better yet, get connected to the largest global database of their health benefits, application methods and ratings from users and health practicioners  for specific diseases and disorders through the Journal. The UN claims it covers nearly all natural substances good for nearly all disorders.

And we got a quart of organic coconut oil from the Philippines at less than the cost at the health food store. The price on the 5-gallon bucket is super—and great for food groups or an

Miracle Rice Cooker

ybody with containers to divvy it up.

Another huge blessing we got was a Miracle® rice cooker (you can get the organic brown rice and the black wild rice if you like and make your own 10% blend). Annie searched the internet

this past year and found rice cookers to be in the $150 plus range. This rice cooker is 79 bucks before you apply the 10% discount they are offering you!

Ken and Annette Fisher lived deep inside a Northern Minnesota wilderness for seven Spicesyears—20 miles from the nearest paved road—and they raised their babies and toddlers, while hunting, fishing and picking berries and surviving up to 20 feet deep winter snows (and bears and wildcats, too) while starting this business. They will be at the Weston A. Price Foundation national food and health conference, called Honoring Our Sacred Foods in November as an exhibitor and participant.

I only ask two things of you. Place your comments below, now or after you receive your order. Also, please subscribe to the Journal (free) now by entering you email.

I am so pleased to make this introduction to you and hope you will spend some time looking in their store and place an order now. You will still have time to order again later this month, before this deal expires. You just need to put the code JWFN in the code space on the order form. Food group and farm store coordinators can buy in bulk and split the orders amongst your members.

Go to Wilderness Family Naturals now. Help yourself, help your friends, family and customers/members and help the Fischer’s too!

Best Regards,


Our team fits together: Wilderness Family Naturals (WFN) and the Journal of Whole Food and Nutrition (WFN) and your Wi-Fi Networks (WFN)

The Code is JWFN, that is, if you want the 10% discount. Discount does not apply to Rebounders® and Champion® and GreenLine® Juicers

You must read the Journal’s 9/4 Updated Story on

Wilderness Family Naturals and Ken and Annette Fischer

If you like this sweet deal, share it

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6 responses to “Connect to Wilderness Family Naturals’ Healing Substances

  1. I was pleased with the order & the service was quick. The rice cooker is of good quality, too! With the holidays creeping up on us, it’s a wise idea to take a look at the ol’ spice cabinet to see what ya need.

  2. I’ll share it, Augie! 🙂 Thanks for doing this!

  3. I’ve ordered from them a couple times and have always felt elated upon receiving my order. Their coconut products are unbeatable. I enjoy their jungle nuts too. They also have delicious, easy to make recipes.

  4. I have ordered from them and will order some more. I have to wonder if they and their local customers have complained to their congressperson about the treatment by the FDA. In today’s e-letter from Dr. Robert Rowen he has several recommendations for health care reform. #5 is Level the playing field on advertisements – The FDA and other agencies must allow supplement companies to advertise truthful information about natural therapies. and #6 Congress must “reform” (reign in) the FDA so that its power is only to ensure safety. Congress is the one these federal agencies answer to, and service to constituents should include dealing with an unreasonable govt agency.

  5. Pingback: Free Natural Cures Database: International Award Winner « Journal of Whole Food and Nutritional Health

  6. Actually the real shame is that the State of Minnesota is not doing anything to help one of there own! The state is acting like the scared mother who stands by while her kids are being abused.We need to start from city council and work our way up.It doesn’t matter if you are left or right.If you are not for liberty and personal freedom then step aside.

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