Tag Archives: Fluoridation

The Fluoride Report Card: Next Asbestos, Lead and Tobacco?

The Fluoride Report Card by Washington state Attorney James Robert Deal was recently handed to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. UK antifluoridation activist and biologist Doug Cross wrote a commentary on the Fluoride Report Card, a brilliant 50-some page summary revealed in full here at the Journal. Mr. Cross is founder of the UF Councils Against Fluoridation with expertise in the fields of engineering, toxicology, public health management, legal compliance and human rights.

The accelerating fluoride controversy does not just threaten the water fluoridation industry; it threatens vast commercial, dental and health care empires that deal in fluoride toothpastes, rinses, pills, vitamins, baby waters, drops, lacquers and treatments—and the dentist fees for their applications—and the profits from the treatment of the after effects of fluoride. All the more the dental industry, as represented by the American Dental “Trade” Association (ADA), their state affiliates and the higher echelons of public health bureaucracies, must protect their sacred secret; or the empires burn like tobacco.  Indeed, fluoride could be the next asbestos and lead tragedy. Continue reading

Adding Lithium to Water Supplies; Lithium as a Treatment for Bipolar, Mood Disorder

by Mr. Augie

There is a little talk about adding lithium to the public water supplies and it sounds to me just like another fluoride scheme. Although it may reduce rapes and suicides as studies show, I am more concerned what lithium water would do to the other 99.99 percent. Judas Priest, if someone needs lithium then a doctor should give them some—rather than drugging us all to get it to those who need it.

It would not be the first time when certain stimuli are given by authorities to change the behavior of and calm the masses—as in television signals. But adding lithium to public drinking water could be another social planners dream to reach the Utopian society, an Alice’s Wonderland. Controlling behaviors through chemical means would amount to another psychological experiment and may have one big adverse reaction like fluoridation. In fact, it may even react with the fluoride ions as it does with trace metals. Continue reading

NEWS RELEASE: Ralph Nader Opposing Water Fluoridation: Blacks, Hispanics Affected Most in Fluoride Poisoning

This just in to the Journal (SOURCE: Fluoride Action Network)

Consumer Activist Ralph Nader has joined the chorus of influential leaders opposing mandatory water fluoridation. He joins civil rights leaders, state and local legislators, dentists, physicians, environmentalists and other professionals speaking out on fluoridation, focusing increased attention on the need for full disclosure of fluoridation risks.
Nader says, “There should be no mandatory fluoridation without the approval of people in a public referendum preceded by full and open public debate with disclosures. There is an old Roman law adage that says, ‘What touches all should be decided by all.'” (1) Continue reading

Fluoride Water– What Do Top Scientists Say About It? (short video)

This video is the one to watch for the scientific opinion of top fluoride scientists who unanimously agree water fluoridation is not safe, not effective and not needed–in fact, their are numerous health effects that affect us all. Not all 14 Nobel prize winners who have opposed water fluoridation can be wrong. I hosted a nice fluoride meeting over lunch at the local health agency where I work. Dr. Dean Murphy, DDS, author of The Devil’s Poison joined in by phone for Q&As.  We showed this video and I plan on showing it at public meetings when I have opportunity. If you watch the first five minutes– you will want to see the rest, now or a bit later.–Augie

Our new Fluoride Dose Series is ready to browse. Also, check out our new fluoride fighter flyer at fluoride.livingfood.us

Fluoride– The New Lead

I was very pleased to have heard from Dr. Bramhall today giving us permission to post her new article–every sentence is loaded.–Augie

FLUORIDE: The New Lead

By Dr Stuart Jeanne Bramhall

It took decades to “prove” that even low-level lead exposure caused mental retardation and behavioral problems in children. In 1973 when I graduated from medical school, there was a mountain of compelling evidence of the terrible things lead in paint and auto exhaust was doing to kids. However under pressure from corporate interests (the companies who put lead in gasoline and paint), the medical establishment still officially proclaimed that at “subclinical levels,” lead was totally safe.
Continue reading

Atlanta Civil Rights Leaders Call for Halt to Water Fluoridation

To make further progress in halting fluoridation of public water supplies will require a grassroots effort. This is not just a major health danger but also a civil and human rights issue of being force-drugged without informed consent without FDA-approval, all the while being told it is safe and effective. So I was thrilled to see this News Release come across my desktop. Perhaps this will stoke the fires now burning throughout more states.–Mr. Augie

Former U.N. Ambassador and Atlanta Mayor Andrew Young and

Prominent Pastor Gerald Durley Call for Repeal of Fluoridation Law in GA

Citing concern that fluoridated water disproportionately harms poor citizens and black families, influential Atlanta civil rights leaders Andrew Young and Gerald Durley are calling on top Georgia legislators to repeal Georgia’s mandatory water fluoridation law. Continue reading

Radio Show: Augie on Fluoridation of Water Supplies

I am a guest on an internet radio show about fluoridation of water supplies, the health dangers and the public’s right to know of its effects. I will also cover the unethical practice of supporting continued fluoridation in light of volumes of research saying it is unsafe, ineffective and unneeded. LISTEN TO THE FIRST 5 MINUTES TO GET HOOKED ON THIS FLUORIDE DOSE. — Augie

FDA: Illegal for Individuals to Cross State Lines to Get Raw Milk

Federal Raw Milk Suit: FDA Answers the Judge

by Pete Kennedy, Esq.
In an unsurprising response to questions submitted to it by a federal judge, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has asserted that any commercial transaction involving the transport of raw milk for human consumption across state lines is subject to the agency’s jurisdiction and is illegal. It is now a matter of public record that, in FDA’s view, even individual consumers crossing state lines to purchase raw milk and bringing the milk back to their home state to consume it are violating the law.
Read all about it:

U.S. Fluoride Water Warning for Infants

This notice was put out by the Fluoride Action Network this morning. In New Hampshire last week, a bill requiring warnings on water bills cautioning not to allow infants to drink fluoridated water was shot down. This was in part because the opposition plead to print the warning would cost more in ink and thus be an unconstitutional unfunded mandate.– Augie

Start a Local Infant Notice Campaign


There is no better time than now to start an infant notice campaign in your own community.  Already, 41% of American adolescents have dental fluorosis, a percentage that is increasing every year.  An infant notice on water bills is a proactive way to educate parents and caregivers about infant exposure to fluoride so they can take action to prevent a further increase in fluorosis rates. Continue reading

Fluoridation Appreciation Day: Get The F Out! (Part 5)

With this deposit, I am introducing my readers to the new Fluoride Poisoning section of the Journal—now an amalgam of some seven articles and a few flicks. Also, browse our iShop and download eBooks for Health at livingfood.us while supporting our work.–Augie

The Fluoride Deception 

Today is history appreciation day at the Journal. All need to appreciate the history of mass fluoridation of our water supplies. Christopher Bryson, an award-winning investigative journalist and author of the book The Fluoride Deception is interviewed by Dr. Paul Connett of the Fluoride Action Network. 

In the late 1940s, 20 people were killed and 120 or so severely injured by an air pollution disaster in Donora, Pennsylvania near Pittsburgh. It was determined that it was most likely fluoride in the air that killed them. 

Even in air pollution short courses, the Donora incident is always emphasized, yet fluoride is never mentioned as being the deadly pollutant. (That history will soon change in Cleveland when I have the opportunity to make that announcement in one of those boring classes—hopefully it will wake everyone up!) Continue reading