Tag Archives: Drinking Water

The Fluoride Report Card: Next Asbestos, Lead and Tobacco?

The Fluoride Report Card by Washington state Attorney James Robert Deal was recently handed to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. UK antifluoridation activist and biologist Doug Cross wrote a commentary on the Fluoride Report Card, a brilliant 50-some page summary revealed in full here at the Journal. Mr. Cross is founder of the UF Councils Against Fluoridation with expertise in the fields of engineering, toxicology, public health management, legal compliance and human rights.

The accelerating fluoride controversy does not just threaten the water fluoridation industry; it threatens vast commercial, dental and health care empires that deal in fluoride toothpastes, rinses, pills, vitamins, baby waters, drops, lacquers and treatments—and the dentist fees for their applications—and the profits from the treatment of the after effects of fluoride. All the more the dental industry, as represented by the American Dental “Trade” Association (ADA), their state affiliates and the higher echelons of public health bureaucracies, must protect their sacred secret; or the empires burn like tobacco.  Indeed, fluoride could be the next asbestos and lead tragedy. Continue reading

NEWS RELEASE: Ralph Nader Opposing Water Fluoridation: Blacks, Hispanics Affected Most in Fluoride Poisoning

This just in to the Journal (SOURCE: Fluoride Action Network)

Consumer Activist Ralph Nader has joined the chorus of influential leaders opposing mandatory water fluoridation. He joins civil rights leaders, state and local legislators, dentists, physicians, environmentalists and other professionals speaking out on fluoridation, focusing increased attention on the need for full disclosure of fluoridation risks.
Nader says, “There should be no mandatory fluoridation without the approval of people in a public referendum preceded by full and open public debate with disclosures. There is an old Roman law adage that says, ‘What touches all should be decided by all.'” (1) Continue reading

Radio Show: Augie on Fluoridation of Water Supplies

I am a guest on an internet radio show about fluoridation of water supplies, the health dangers and the public’s right to know of its effects. I will also cover the unethical practice of supporting continued fluoridation in light of volumes of research saying it is unsafe, ineffective and unneeded. LISTEN TO THE FIRST 5 MINUTES TO GET HOOKED ON THIS FLUORIDE DOSE. — Augie

U.S. Fluoride Water Warning for Infants

This notice was put out by the Fluoride Action Network this morning. In New Hampshire last week, a bill requiring warnings on water bills cautioning not to allow infants to drink fluoridated water was shot down. This was in part because the opposition plead to print the warning would cost more in ink and thus be an unconstitutional unfunded mandate.– Augie

Start a Local Infant Notice Campaign


There is no better time than now to start an infant notice campaign in your own community.  Already, 41% of American adolescents have dental fluorosis, a percentage that is increasing every year.  An infant notice on water bills is a proactive way to educate parents and caregivers about infant exposure to fluoride so they can take action to prevent a further increase in fluorosis rates. Continue reading

Don’t Drink the Fluoride: Get the F Out!

Fluoride is Not Something You Should Be Drinking; The Other Side of Water Fluoridation

by Augie

As an environmental professional in industrial controls, one of my assignments in 1976 was to prepare an engineering assessment and an air pollutant control techniques document for the phosphate fertilizer industry under an EPA contract. Little attention was paid to the high fluoride content in the stack-gas scrubber waste water, the same gasses that killed cattle in a wide area around the plants in Florida. I later learned these concentrated and toxic fluoride wastes were to be sold to municipalities to discharged directly into public water supplies while the public was being sold the idea of their supposed health and dental benefit package. I have had to live with that for 35 years, so tonight I come out of the closet and introduce you to my new professional affiliation with the Fluoride Action Network (FAN). I joined to help FAN the flames of freedom from fluoridation, as it has been banned in nearly all of Europe for many years. Continue reading

Mass Fluoride Medication in Water Supplies Based on Fraudulent Science: You Decide

Fluoridation of municipal water supplies at its outset in the 40s was based on fraudulent science, according to an article released tonight by Sylvia Onusic.  As I have said on my fluoride and environmental deception column:  Americans are unknowingly being medicated and overdosed without being informed as to the health dangers. Under federal laws it amounts to unethical and possible criminal behavior– especially since the science of its toxicity is well-documented. On my next installment, I will give you a list of at least 500 reference mostly from peer-reviewed journals put together in a book released in November. But for now, I am convinced the mass drugging is much like vaccinations: unsafe, ineffective and unnecessary.–Augie

Here is the introduction to Sylvia’s article:

Anti-fluoride RALLY in Australia. Banned largely in Europe, but only a few cities in America.

The Great Fluoride Experiment at Grand Rapids

By Sylvia P. Onusic, PhD, with contributions by Aliss Terpstra, CN

The city officials of Grand Rapids in the 1940s had no idea that fluoridation chemicals were toxic industrial waste contaminated with lead and arsenic. They had been reassured that fluoridation was just the “adjustment” of natural fluoride levels. The US Public Health Department, headed by the “father of fluoridation,” H. Trendley Dean, had examined the teeth of children drinking water with high natural fluoride and then approved what was supposed to be a 15 to 20 year study of artificial fluoridation in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The teeth of 30,000 school children were to be monitored up to adulthood, to show the American public that water fluoridation was safe and effective in preventing tooth decay. Continue reading

Detoxifying Health Propaganda on Water Fluoridation: The Case Against Fluoride.

I have the just-released book The Case Against Fluoride, sent to me by the Publisher, Chelsea-Green, referred to in this guest post.   It is a masterful work representing most of a lifetime career–quite an achievement for its principle author, Paul Connett. We have covered fluoride dangers in drinking water, food and dental applications recently and plan to continue the series.

Having been in the environmental, health and safety field for almost 40 years, I know something about water pollution and I know that injecting toxic fluoride into drinking water supplies is polluting it and our bodies, including the brain. It is not effective, it is not safe and it is not necessary.

Good water scientists and toxicologists attest to that–including many in the EPA, the agency that is legally responsible to help protect the environment and public health. Further, medicating citizens, let alone poisoning them, without their informed consent is unethical if not criminal.  I can verify this right now since I work directly for the EPA and I am duly authorized, qualified and obligated to state my opinion–but that is not the official view of the EPA Administrator appointed by the President.  –Augie

Tonight’s guest blogger is Rady Ananda, one of the finest food freedom lovers and writers in the U.S. in my opinion. Her superior blog is Food Freedom. Her bio including her legal and journalistic background appears at the end of her post. Now here is Rady:

The Case Against Fluoride: Toxifying the Tap

By Rady Ananda

In July of this year, the United Nations declared access to clean water a human right. The United States was among 41 nations that abstained from supporting the resolution. Since October 15th is Blog for Water Day, a close inspection of a common US practice – fluoridating city water supplies – is in order. Continue reading

Get the F Out! –Fluoride: Slowly Poisoning the Children? –Part 1

Despite volumes of research and reports on serious health effects from fluoride toxicity and overload in children,  the Ohio Department of Health (and other states) has restarted programs in schools to have children rinse with fluoride and have teeth sealed with fluoride BPA-containing materials. They are  disposing of the EPA-designated toxic wastes in the trash, and drinking the school’s fluoridated water at the fountain, all without prescription or medical supervision and prescreening. As a result of this and more, children’s teeth are permanently stained and deformed. . . and worse.


Sylvia Onusic just returned from a national conference on fluoride sponsored by the Fluoride Action Network (FAN), www.fluoridealert.org,  and we are pleased to have her as a guest writer on this shocking original and exclusive expose on fluoride poisoning and overload in children. This article focuses on fluoride rinses conducted in schools and was prompted by Ohio’s fluoride rinse and sealant program now increasing rapidly—and in many other states as well. You will want to spread this article around and also take note on the ACTIONS TO BE TAKEN at the end of the article. David Michael, a Journal correspondent, will present more on this subject later this week.–Augie

Sylvia P. Onusic holds a PhD from Pennsylvania State University and works in the fields of public health, health education and nutrition. She conducted research in the country of Slovenia under a Fulbright Grant awarded to her by the US Department of Education in the field of public health and later was appointed by the Slovene Government to a position at the Ministry of Health where she worked for six years. Currently she has been researching and writing about fluoride and is a member of the Fluoride Action Network. She regularly writes for Harkeisonline.com, of the Weston A Price Foundation, other online and written publications, and lectures on traditional foods, nutrition and health.

Fluoride Rinse Program Instituted in Ohio Schools

by Sylvia P. Onusic, PhD

Our kids are getting too much fluoride. It’s here, it’s there, it’s everywhere!  You might think, if a little is good, more is better. Not in the case of fluoride, which has no nutritional value in the human diet and is considered an extremely hazardous material which requires, by law, special transportation and disposal. Fluorine is the element, and all compounds of fluorine are called fluorides. Calcium fluoride occurs in nature but it is not calcium fluoride that is put into toothpaste, mouth rinse, drinking water, and other products. The fluoride added to US drinking water is considered a hazardous waste by EPA. Now it is purchased from China.  Remember the melamine in baby formula, the tainted dog food, the childrens’ toys and jewelry?

Before the 1950’s, fluoride was considered a poison by the American Dental Association and American Medical Association.  But after World War II, the American medical community flip- flopped, like some politicians, on their opinion of fluoride. In the 1950’s the American Public Health Service hired Edward Bernays, the grandson of Sigmund Freud, to sell fluoride to the American Public. He had previously done so with cigarettes, advertising that the best MD’s smoke Camels. After one study, which was not completed at Grand Rapids, Michigan, the US Public Health Service pronounced fluorides great for preventing cavities.  Since then fluoride chemicals have slowly made their way into many facets of our lives, our water, drugs, pesticides, toothpaste, mouth rinse, dental floss, and food products. Continue reading

Death of the Lakes: The Spreading of Toxic and Infectious Wastes and Disease

David Michael has posted this expose on the appalling situation at Ohio’s largest inland lake, Grand Lake-St. Mary’s. David Michael has spent over 30 years in the environmental control field (air, water, waste, land) I would like to stress that Ohio farmers are good people and sacrifice much to produce food for everyone. I do not believe this is all their fault at all—but much of the blame should be placed on EPA and USDA—and the big food and agriculture corporations all working together.–Augie

Death of the Lakes: The Spreading of Toxic and Infectious Wastes and Disease

Ohio’s Love Canal: Toxic Pollution Dumping on a Scale of BP-Gulf Spill

By David Michael

Human illnesses and animal deaths have occurred recently from neurotoxins secreted by a heavy slime of blue and green algae floating on Ohio’s largest lake—Grand Lake St. Mary’s (Grand Lake) in Auglaize and Mercer Counties. This is a lake that has been deteriorating for decades, but especially so in the past 10 years as factory farms have sprung up all over the area, and more are being built.

A high concentration of factory farms and the application of composted manure from CAFO (confined animal feeding operations) manure and sewage treatment sludge (humanure, now called biosolids—a mixture of concentrated human excrement and industrial discharges) is spreading toxic and infectious substances on farmlands close by and in the watershed. CAFOs in the watershed area account for 3 million chickens; while sewage sludge spreading is permitted on 8800 Ohio farmlands—several close to the edge of Grand Lake.

Pollutants discharging into the lake also include fertilizer runoff (phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen (PKN) as well as some pesticides and herbicides—as is commonly known. But there is far more to the story, including heavy metals (like lead, arsenic and chromium), pharmaceuticals, neurotoxins, cancer-causers, viruses, bacteria—and just about every known chemical (some 60,000) known to man and being placed on the farmlands.

EPA and state officials know about this—as does USDA, and their partners in the big food and big agriculture corporations. Yet the smaller farmers are being accused for causing the mess, and homeowners too—while the CAFOs and spreading of sludge are being expanded rapidly though state and federally funded “green” programs and contracted out to a few individuals.

Continue reading

Soy Formula is Unsafe for Babies: Myths and Truths

This link takes you to the article at our new Journal location! Please subscribe if you have not yet done so– over at the new Journal.
