The Clean, Green Environmental Deceptions

The Fluoride Report Card: Next Asbestos, Lead and Tobacco?

The Fluoride Report Card by Washington state Attorney James Robert Deal was recently handed to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. UK antifluoridation activist and biologist Doug Cross wrote a commentary on the Fluoride Report Card, a brilliant 50-some page summary revealed in full here at the Journal. Mr. Cross is founder of the UF Councils Against Fluoridation with expertise in the fields of engineering, toxicology, public health management, legal compliance and human rights.

The accelerating fluoride controversy does not just threaten the water fluoridation industry; it threatens vast commercial, dental and health care empires that deal in fluoride toothpastes, rinses, pills, vitamins, baby waters, drops, lacquers and treatments—and the dentist fees for their applications—and the profits from the treatment of the after effects of fluoride. All the more the dental industry, as represented by the American Dental “Trade” Association (ADA), their state affiliates and the higher echelons of public health bureaucracies, must protect their sacred secret; or the empires burn like tobacco.  Indeed, fluoride could be the next asbestos and lead tragedy. Continue reading

Radio Show: Augie on Fluoridation of Water Supplies

I am a guest on an internet radio show about fluoridation of water supplies, the health dangers and the public’s right to know of its effects. I will also cover the unethical practice of supporting continued fluoridation in light of volumes of research saying it is unsafe, ineffective and unneeded. LISTEN TO THE FIRST 5 MINUTES TO GET HOOKED ON THIS FLUORIDE DOSE. — Augie

FDA: Illegal for Individuals to Cross State Lines to Get Raw Milk

Federal Raw Milk Suit: FDA Answers the Judge

by Pete Kennedy, Esq.
In an unsurprising response to questions submitted to it by a federal judge, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has asserted that any commercial transaction involving the transport of raw milk for human consumption across state lines is subject to the agency’s jurisdiction and is illegal. It is now a matter of public record that, in FDA’s view, even individual consumers crossing state lines to purchase raw milk and bringing the milk back to their home state to consume it are violating the law.
Read all about it:

U.S. Fluoride Water Warning for Infants

This notice was put out by the Fluoride Action Network this morning. In New Hampshire last week, a bill requiring warnings on water bills cautioning not to allow infants to drink fluoridated water was shot down. This was in part because the opposition plead to print the warning would cost more in ink and thus be an unconstitutional unfunded mandate.– Augie

Start a Local Infant Notice Campaign


There is no better time than now to start an infant notice campaign in your own community.  Already, 41% of American adolescents have dental fluorosis, a percentage that is increasing every year.  An infant notice on water bills is a proactive way to educate parents and caregivers about infant exposure to fluoride so they can take action to prevent a further increase in fluorosis rates. Continue reading

Fluoridation Appreciation Day: Get The F Out! (Part 5)

With this deposit, I am introducing my readers to the new Fluoride Poisoning section of the Journal—now an amalgam of some seven articles and a few flicks. Also, browse our iShop and download eBooks for Health at while supporting our work.–Augie

The Fluoride Deception 

Today is history appreciation day at the Journal. All need to appreciate the history of mass fluoridation of our water supplies. Christopher Bryson, an award-winning investigative journalist and author of the book The Fluoride Deception is interviewed by Dr. Paul Connett of the Fluoride Action Network. 

In the late 1940s, 20 people were killed and 120 or so severely injured by an air pollution disaster in Donora, Pennsylvania near Pittsburgh. It was determined that it was most likely fluoride in the air that killed them. 

Even in air pollution short courses, the Donora incident is always emphasized, yet fluoride is never mentioned as being the deadly pollutant. (That history will soon change in Cleveland when I have the opportunity to make that announcement in one of those boring classes—hopefully it will wake everyone up!) Continue reading

Get the F Out! Fluoride Poisoning – Top 12 Reasons to Stop Fluoridating Drinking Water Supplies

12 TOP Health Reasons to Stop Water Fluoridation

This past weekend, while at a local health trade show, I happened to just run into a lady named Portia Yiamouyiannis and was pleasantly surprised when I asked her if she was the daughter of Dr. John Yiamouyiannis and she said she was.

Portia and Me (While Talking Fluoride)

Dr. John Yiamouyiannis was, until his death in the fall of 2000, the world’s leading authority on the biological effects of fluoride. His formal education included a B.S. in biochemistry from the University of Chicago and a Ph.D in biochemistry from the University of Rhode Island. After a year of postdoctoral research at Western Reserve University Medical School, Yiamouyiannis went on to become biochemical editor at Chemical Abstracts Service, the world’s largest chemical information center. It was at Chemical Abstracts Service in Columbus, Ohio  where Yiamouyiannis became interested in the damaging effects of fluoride. (Of course, the Ohio Department of Health did all they could to trash his reputation after his death.) Excerpts from his book, Fluoride–The Aging Factor is here.

I asked Portia if she could tell me what her father would have wanted to say today if he were still alive. Portia told me “he would want everyone to do everything they could to bring as many people together in the local areas to demand that fluoridation be stopped and to do all that is possible to educate the public on the hazards of fluoridating water supplies.” She agreed with me that large numbers of people is all it would take to get fluoride banned in any municipality. Continue reading

Fluoride Poisoning Victim Speaks Out–Reveals Effects

The CDC has recently stated 42 percent of children suffer from fluorisis. Last week that the U.S. government is recommending reduced fluoride levels in our drinking water for the first time in 50 years. They are citing “a fresh review of the science.” Also, the Fluoride Action Network has notified us yesterday that the EPA has accepted their findings and research toward  stopping the spraying of toxic sulfuryl fluoride on fruits and vegetables. An article out today at Natural News speaks of the rapid growth of allergies to aluminum from the aluminum in vaccinations . . . and this is also related to fluoride overdose (more later on this one). Why does the government allow people to be unknowingly medicated, when the science is well-published now and for decades, that fluoridation of municipal water supplies is not safe, not effective and not necessary? Continue reading

War of the Words — Eating the Greens & Naturally Sustainable Organic Foods

War of the Words — Eating the Greens and Naturally Sustainable Organic Foods

I have referred to the War of the Words several times in my talks and conversations –and it seems to resonate, so I will expound here. There is some intended sarcasm also.– Augie

Scribble Scrabble Scramble

Make Up Your Own Words

Government, corporate and academia change-makers are  always defining and redefining our words for us. “Water” for example may have different meanings depending on the specific laws or regulations the word is set within. Redefinition is an age-old practice to manipulate people and take control. As soon as you understand one word defined, you can be sure its definition has already been changed. Attorneys love it.

Organic comes to mind. If you search the Journal you will not find me using the term– as I have a distaste for it– like organic CAFO-type factory farmed chickens and eggs. The word has caused so much confusion and frustration– I don’t like to use it. USDA stole the term from the grassroots and twisted it to where can mean a battery of concentration camps of 250,000 chickens or even a million–voila, most of your organic chickens and eggs at the supermarket. Funny, pesticides and herbicides are organic too.

Continue reading

Empires of Food–Feast, Famine and the Rise and Fall of Civilizations

Empires of Food–Feast, Famine and the Rise and Fall of Civilizations

Kathryne Pirtle is a musician, author, nutrition educator and food activist. She is also a Chicago correspondent for the Journal and a Weston A. Price Foundation co-chapter leader. Kathryne just put out her review of a new book relating to the government control of land versus a land of liberty for  agriculture and food production–how it relates to prosperity versus destruction of a society.

For all of our new readers, I want to emphasize that the living food (true food as some call it) with its naturally optimal nutrient density is proportionately related to the soil fertility– including plants and animals. This comes in having the freedom to nurture the soil versus slowly destroying it through manufactured chemicals and toxic concentrated human, hospital,  industrial and factory-farm wastes all called green. Some extracts follow (not of the wastes, the book review!) and I hope you go to her blog to finish it. Someone famous said the wealth of a nation is in direct proportion to its soil fertility.

Before I take up more space than her in my diatribe, let’s hear Kathryne.–Augie

Book Review: Empires of Food–Feast, Famine and the Rise and Fall of Civilizations

by Kathryne Pirtle

Book by Evan D.G. Fraser and Andrew Rimas (Pub. by Free Press, 2010)

Empires of Food is a fascinating book that certainly reveals the old adage that “history repeats itself.” As we moved away from the hunter-gatherer paradigm to that of civilization, man has often been deceived by the pursuit of progress. From the Mayan,

Read more and buy here

Greek and Roman empires to our present day society, many urban societies have mistakenly sought development through monoculture–an agricultural system that depends on limited crops like wheat, corn and soybeans.

However, these agricultural systems have always suffered grave consequences:

“These societies, these food empires, can only exist if three things happen: Farmers need to grow more food than they eat; they need a means of trading it to willing buyers; they need a way to store it so it doesn’t turn to sludge before reaching its economic apotheosis. When these three premises are met, urban life flourishes. Which is, in itself, the seed of the problem…When a food empire fails, mobs tear apart the marketplace, angry over the cost of bread. Governments raise armies to conquer greener, more fertile valleys. People uproot. Forest creeps back over old fences. Arable land falls into disuse, and society contracts. It happens again and again. And it’s happening now…..”

Read the entire review at Kathryne’s Performance Without Pain blog.

Also . . .

The iShop is NOW OPEN! Browse around! NEWLY published book called 30 Days to Wellness is now next to the checkout. A Christmas gift for children and grandchildren: Healthy Kids Recipe eCards (hard cards coming soon). See if you can find them under our  iShop at !

Detoxifying Health Propaganda on Water Fluoridation: The Case Against Fluoride.

I have the just-released book The Case Against Fluoride, sent to me by the Publisher, Chelsea-Green, referred to in this guest post.   It is a masterful work representing most of a lifetime career–quite an achievement for its principle author, Paul Connett. We have covered fluoride dangers in drinking water, food and dental applications recently and plan to continue the series.

Having been in the environmental, health and safety field for almost 40 years, I know something about water pollution and I know that injecting toxic fluoride into drinking water supplies is polluting it and our bodies, including the brain. It is not effective, it is not safe and it is not necessary.

Good water scientists and toxicologists attest to that–including many in the EPA, the agency that is legally responsible to help protect the environment and public health. Further, medicating citizens, let alone poisoning them, without their informed consent is unethical if not criminal.  I can verify this right now since I work directly for the EPA and I am duly authorized, qualified and obligated to state my opinion–but that is not the official view of the EPA Administrator appointed by the President.  –Augie

Tonight’s guest blogger is Rady Ananda, one of the finest food freedom lovers and writers in the U.S. in my opinion. Her superior blog is Food Freedom. Her bio including her legal and journalistic background appears at the end of her post. Now here is Rady:

The Case Against Fluoride: Toxifying the Tap

By Rady Ananda

In July of this year, the United Nations declared access to clean water a human right. The United States was among 41 nations that abstained from supporting the resolution. Since October 15th is Blog for Water Day, a close inspection of a common US practice – fluoridating city water supplies – is in order. Continue reading