Roundup Linked to Infertility, Spontaneous Abortions and Other Animal Health Problems

The U.S. leads the world with more than 165 million acres of GMO crops, mostly Roundup Ready® crops around which are sprayed with 200 million pounds of Roundup. Monsanto owns patents on the genes of more than 93% of soybeans, 80% of corn, and 95% of sugar beets planted in the U.S., according to Food for Democracy Now. The combination of the herbicide and the genetically modified seeds and crops  attracts pests, creates superweeds and  resistant crop diseases that worsen each year. Cows, chickens and pigs fed these crops are getting strange diseases. These factors are affecting the entire food chain and human health. Indeed, truth is stranger than fiction. Tonight, we have an startling article by Laurie Neverman from Common Sense Homesteading written especially for the Journal that covers this topic well.–Augie

Roundup Linked to Infertility, Spontaneous Abortions and Other Health Problems

by Laurie Neverman

We have been told since its introduction in 1973 that the pesticide Roundup is a safe and effective way to control weeds.  With the introduction of Roundup Ready soybeans in 1996, and Roundup Ready Corn in 1998, Roundup use soared.  According to The New York Times, in 2010, Roundup Ready crops accounted for about 90% of the soybeans and 70 percent of the corn and cotton grown in the United States.

Now, we are finding that Roundup is anything but safe.  GMOs have been linked to organ disruption: Continue reading

Burzynski: Cancer Is Serious Business — Making the Case on Medical Corruption

I noticed tonight I was getting some readers all over the world coming into my intro of the trailer of this movie I posted over a year ago. Then, all of a sudden I received this notice along with the full-featured movie just released that can only be viewed between now and June 20. The grand finale is startling–or perhaps not. The patents Dr. Bryzinski had on his discovery and multi-million dollar manufacturing lab were being stolen through fraudulent patents claiming his discovery. This is why FDA and the National Institute of Health apparently tied him up for many years through grand juries and legal proceedings and threatening to sentence him to prison–to keep him from continuing to fight for his cancer cure–and to discredit him as a fraud. — Augie

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Internet Radio: Mr. Augie on Raw Milk and Food Freedom

Federal and state food safety police agencies are on the hunt for those people who consume raw milk and the farmers that produce it. However, the Milk Wars are not about safety at all and you will hear why in this 30-minute broadcast.

Mr. Augie (that’s me) will be on Ohio Public Square radio this evening (Thursday, June 9) at 6 pm EST or anytime after in the archived edition. The topic is farm fresh milk vs. regular store milk and food freedom. Ohio Public Square radio covers Ohio-specific and national  liberty news and issues.

Here is the direct link to the show. You can call in with your questions if you like.

If you are interested in finding safe raw milk locally and economically,  consider ordering our ePaper instant download.

Court Verdict on Manna Storehouse Food Coop; Results of a SWAT-like Team Raid on a Family Mini-Farm

The SWAT-like team raid in December 2008 of a food coop called the Manna Storehouse near LaGrange, Ohio (Lorain County) was heavily covered here at the Journal. Sheriff deputies and agents from Ohio Department of Agriculture and the county health department stormed the home while homeschool was in session with several children and were held at bay in a room for seven hours while agents confiscated food, computers and records. They did not obtain a food service license after it was requested by the health department. Continue reading

Adding Lithium to Water Supplies; Lithium as a Treatment for Bipolar, Mood Disorder

by Mr. Augie

There is a little talk about adding lithium to the public water supplies and it sounds to me just like another fluoride scheme. Although it may reduce rapes and suicides as studies show, I am more concerned what lithium water would do to the other 99.99 percent. Judas Priest, if someone needs lithium then a doctor should give them some—rather than drugging us all to get it to those who need it.

It would not be the first time when certain stimuli are given by authorities to change the behavior of and calm the masses—as in television signals. But adding lithium to public drinking water could be another social planners dream to reach the Utopian society, an Alice’s Wonderland. Controlling behaviors through chemical means would amount to another psychological experiment and may have one big adverse reaction like fluoridation. In fact, it may even react with the fluoride ions as it does with trace metals. Continue reading

NEWS RELEASE: Ralph Nader Opposing Water Fluoridation: Blacks, Hispanics Affected Most in Fluoride Poisoning

This just in to the Journal (SOURCE: Fluoride Action Network)

Consumer Activist Ralph Nader has joined the chorus of influential leaders opposing mandatory water fluoridation. He joins civil rights leaders, state and local legislators, dentists, physicians, environmentalists and other professionals speaking out on fluoridation, focusing increased attention on the need for full disclosure of fluoridation risks.
Nader says, “There should be no mandatory fluoridation without the approval of people in a public referendum preceded by full and open public debate with disclosures. There is an old Roman law adage that says, ‘What touches all should be decided by all.'” (1) Continue reading

Fluoride Water– What Do Top Scientists Say About It? (short video)

This video is the one to watch for the scientific opinion of top fluoride scientists who unanimously agree water fluoridation is not safe, not effective and not needed–in fact, their are numerous health effects that affect us all. Not all 14 Nobel prize winners who have opposed water fluoridation can be wrong. I hosted a nice fluoride meeting over lunch at the local health agency where I work. Dr. Dean Murphy, DDS, author of The Devil’s Poison joined in by phone for Q&As.  We showed this video and I plan on showing it at public meetings when I have opportunity. If you watch the first five minutes– you will want to see the rest, now or a bit later.–Augie

Our new Fluoride Dose Series is ready to browse. Also, check out our new fluoride fighter flyer at

New, Large Study: Eating Lots of Cheese and Dairy Products Does Not Cause Heart Disease

Nothing new for many of our readers, but we have been led astray about the dangers of milk and dairy products. Put the blame on our public health authorities and the USDA dietary guidelines—a deceptive marketing campaign for the multinational food corporations carried out by doctors and dieticians. Although a long-term study just released shows eating lots of dairy has nothing to do with heart attacks, you can be sure it will not change the advertisements and doctor’s advice to eat low-fat or non-fat dairy products and get on a statin drug. As with all the other studies, it will be suppressed as it opposes the goals of the food and medical industries. Continue reading

Alarming New Studies: 50% of U.S. Children Have Chronic Disease/Disorders, 21% Developmentally Disabled


by Augie

What can each of us do to change this?

American children are suffering more and more disorders—and are growing into even sicker adults—the worst of most major countries. Two studies were released this week underscore this alarming reality.

In a study published in Academic Pediatrics, an estimated 43% of US children (32 million) currently have at least 1 of 20 chronic health conditions assessed, increasing to 54.1% when overweight, obesity, or being at risk for developmental delays are included. The estimate is derived from 2007 data—4 years old. This tells us matters are much worse now–perhaps 50% are now chronically ill not counting obesity. Continue reading

Is Skim Milk Making You FAT and Sick? — National Fox News Covers Raw Milk Rally

Finally, truth of the low-fat and non-fat dairy con is going mainstream. The skim milk is more associated to weight gain than whole, full-fat milk and this article tells why. Added to some skim milk is powdered milk solids which are high in dangerous oxidized cholesterol and forms arterial plaque.

Other health problems of nearly all milk on the market is caused by the nutrient-depleting pasteurization and the protein-fracturing, fat-micronizing, oxidative homogenization process–not to mention genetically-modified growth hormones and artificial vitamin D. Consumers are being milked and skimmed in more ways than one. The promise of weight loss and healthier hearts by drinking skim/lo-fat products is false and actually seems to cause weight gain and more artery clogging. Then the  milk conglomerates, many call them the milk monopoly, take the good fats they took away from you and sell it back to you at higher profit margins in other products. Continue reading